doc. MUDr. RNDr. Lukáš Varga, PhD.
Vedecko/umelecko-pedagogická charakteristika:
Najvýznamnejšie výstupy tvorivej činnosti:
1. | Varga L, Kabátová Z, Mašindová I, Nechojdomová D, Gašperíková D, Klimeš I, Profant M. Is deafness etiology important for prediction of functional outcomes in pediatric cochlear implantation? Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2014 | Q3 | IF 1,099 |
2. | Mašindová I, Šoltýsová A, Varga L, Mátyás P, Ficek A, Hučková M, Sůrová M, Šafka-Brožková D, Anwar S, Bene J, Straka S, Janicsek I, Ahmed ZM, Seeman P, Melegh B, Profant M, Klimeš I, Riazuddin S, Kádasi Ľ, Gašperíková D. MARVELD2 (DFNB49) mutations in the hearing impaired Central European Roma population--prevalence, clinical impact and the common origin. PLoS One. 2015 | Q1 | IF 3,057 |
3. | Varga L, Danis D, Skopkova M, Masindova I, Slobodova Z, Demesova L, Profant M, Gasperikova D. Novel EYA4 variant in Slovak family with late onset autosomal dominant hearing loss: a case report. BMC Medical Genetics. 2019 | Q4 | IF 1,585 |
4. | Nayak G, Varga L, Trincot C, Shahzad M, Friedman PL, et al. Molecular genetics of MARVELD2 and clinical phenotype in Pakistani and Slovak families segregating DFNB49 hearing loss. Human Genetics. 2015 | Q1 | IF 5,138 |
5. | Varga L, Danis D, Drsata J, Masindova I, Skopkova M, Slobodova Z, Chrobok V, Profant M, Gasperikova D. Novel variants in EDNRB gene in Waardenburg syndrome type II and SOX10 gene in PCWH syndrome. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2021 | Q3 | IF 1,675 |