Education in the winter semester 2020/2021

In Bratislava, 25 August 2020

26. 08. 2020 08.49 hod.


Based on the Manual for Universities, which was published by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the SR and the methodological guideline of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava for the faculties and other parts of Comenius University in Bratislava the dean’s board of the Faculty of Medicine decided that the tuition in the winter semester will start on 14 September 2020.


  • The enrolment into the first year of the study programme General Medicine and Dentistry will be organized in terms of the Study Rules of FMCU in Bratislava in person (a student must come personally).
  • The enrolment into the 2nd - 6th year of the study programme General Medicine and Dentistry will be organized electronically. More detailed information will be sent to your university e-mail shortly.


  • The tuition in the winter semester will be performed as the combination of the distance and in-person form of learning. The lectures will be provided on-line in MS TEAMS or MOODLE.
  • Laboratory exercises, autopsy exercises and practical education (practical training) will be organized in person under strict hygienic and epidemiological measures. The dean’s board of the Faculty of Medicine of the CU recommends performing seminars and theoretical introductions to practical training also on-line.

The institutes and departments will publish all necessary information on their websites.


  • The protective face masks, hand disinfection at the entrance to the buildings and keeping the distance at least 2 metres is obligatory in all inside premises of the Faculty of Medicine of the CU and premises of health care facilities, in which the practical training is performed.
  • Newly admitted students and continuing students (regardless their nationality) coming from the countries or regions marked as risky are obliged to follow the present valid measures of the Public Health Authority of the SR or any relevant public authority. From these students, we require the negative result of the PCR test for COVID-19 before the beginning of the tuition. In case of need, the students from risky countries must provide quarantine for themselves on their own expense.
  • The Faculty of Medicine of the CU recommends to their students to undergo PCR tests for COVID-19 before the beginning of the educational part of the academic year. The students will be informed about possibilities and conditions to undergo tests on the website of our Faculty and via their university e-mails.

The dean’s board of the Faculty of Medicine of the CU and the rector’s board of the Comenius University carefully monitor the epidemiological situation and will react immediately in case of worsening of the situation.