Matriculation ceremony
Thursday October 17, 2019 officially at 11,00 a.m. in the Great Hall (Aula) of the Comenius University, on Šafárikovo square 6 / 1st floor
the Matriculation ceremony will held on Thursday October 17, 2019 officially at 11,00 a.m. in the Great Hall (Aula) of the Comenius University, on Šafárikovo square 6 / 1st floor.
We are meeting for practising the scenario of the ceremony at 10,00 a.m.
Dress code: Formal (in accordance with the Rector´s directive No. 2/2012, students are requested to wear formal dress - students are not allowed to wear trainers, jeans and other sports wear)!!!
Please note that the ceremony is obligatory, in the case you do not come and you do not apologize because the serious reason (necessarry is the certify the absence with the official confirmation), you have the absence at the education and you have to payed for the compensation of the education.
Please check the list of matriculated students and check your seat!