pozvánka na podujatie - 20. - 21. septembra 2022
Pozývame vás na podujatia, ktoré sú organizované v rámci projektu VÝŽIVA A ZDRAVÉ STARNUTIE (NutriAging), realizovaného v rámci Programu cezhraničnej spolupráce Interreg V-A Slovenská republika – Rakúsko, prioritná os 1: Prispievanie k inteligentnému cezhraničnému regiónu.
Program Interreg podporuje spoluprácu významných výskumných pracovísk zo Slovenska (Bratislava) a Rakúska (Viedeň) , úlohou ktorej je vzájomné vymieňanie si skúseností a poznatkov a ich následné šírenie širokej verejnosti.
Podujatia sa uskutočnia online formou v prostredí MS Teams a zároveň aj prezenčne v Ladzianskeho posluchárni LFUK:
20.9.2022 - 2. LETNÁ ŠKOLA EURÓPSKEHO PROJEKTU NUTRIAGING: „Čo sa študenti a mladí vedci môžu naučiť z európskeho projektu NutriAging“ - MS Teams link
| NUTRIAGING Summer School No.2 – Final program September 20, 2022, Ladziansky Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava and Online (MS Teams) |
10.00 – 11.30 | Arrival of participants in Bratislava and short lunch |
12.30 – 13.00 | Welcome, and introduction to the program of the Summer School Karl-Heinz Wagner and Jana Muchová |
13.00 – 13.30 | Plenary lecture: Small dense LDL and dyslipidemia Stanislav Oravec |
13.30 – 14.45 | Paduchová Zuzana: Pitfalls and advantages of determination of lipoprotein subfractions by the Lipoprint system Sumbalová Zuzana: Impact of omega-3 fatty acids and their combination with physical activity on mitochondrial functions Koňariková Katarína: Effects of vitamin D on cell senescence Janubová Mária: γ- and δ-Tocotrienols interfere with senescence leading to decreased viability of cells Gajdošová Lívia: Behavioural testing of rats - Impact of omega-3 fatty acids and their combination with physical activity on locomotor activity, exploratory activity and anxiety |
14.45 – 15.15 | Coffee Break |
15.15 - 16.30 | Draxler Agnes: Insights into methods to determine chromosomal damage in humans Unterberger Sandra: Association between body composition and physical performance in older adults Stelzer Tamara: Insights into vitamin D and physical activity on gene expression in older age Bragagna Laura: Spectrophotometric methods to determine oxidative damage Zöhrer Patrick: Microbiome and its importance in older age |
16.30 - 17.00 | Final remarks and closing of NutriAging Summer School II |
| September 21, 2022, Ladziansky Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine, |
9.00 – 9.30 | Registration |
9.30 – 9.40 | Welcome of participants Dean, Representative of the Faculty |
9.40 – 9.50 | Welcome and Introduction of the Interreg Program Andrej Batyás, Director of the Interreg SR-AT Program, Ministry of MIRRI |
9.50 – 10.00 | Introduction to the NutriAging Project Karl-Heinz Wagner and Jana Muchová, Project coordinators of NutriAging |
10.00 – 10.25 | NutriAging outputs from the Slovak partner Jana Muchová, Comenius University Bratislava |
10.25 – 10.50 | NutriAging outputs from the Slovak partner Ingrid Žitňanová, Comenius University Bratislava |
10.50 – 11.15 | Coffee break |
11.15 – 11.40 | Influence of a high protein diet and strength training on the plasma proteome in older adults Bernhard Franzke, University of Vienna |
11.40 – 12.05 | NutriAging outputs from the Austrian partner Barbara Wessner, University of Vienna |
12.05 – 12.20 | Views from the Slovak strategic partner 1 Ján Cvečka, Centre of Active Aging, Bratislava |
12.20 – 12.35 | Views from the Slovak strategic partner 2 Božena Bušová, Association of Social Service Providers in Slovakia, Bratislava |
12.35 – 12.50 | Views from the Austrian strategic partner Hofer Alexandra, Austrian Nutrition Society, Vienna |
12.50 – 13.05 | Achievements of the NutriAging project – facts and figures All participants |
13.05 – 13.30 | Conclusions of the final meeting Karl-Heinz Wagner, Jana Muchová, Teams from Bratislava and Vienna |
13.30 | Lunch |