Current APVV research projects
APVV - Slovak research and development agency
Research projects in years 2015-18
Grant APVV-15-0045
Project title: Autism spectrum disorders from the aspect of genotype-phenotype correlations
Principal Investigator: Prof. Daniela Ostatníková, MD, PhD.
Duration of the project: 6/2016-6/2019
Grant APVV-15-0085
Project title: Autism in the light of emotional, cognitive and biological contexts
Principal investigator: Katarína Babinská, MD, PhD., MSc.
Duration of the project: 6/2016-10/2019
Grant VEGA 1/0052/15
Project title: Genetic determinants of endophenotypes of the autism spectrum: a challenge for the autism research
Principal investigator: Prof. Daniela Ostatníková, MD, PhD.
Duration of the project: 1/2015-12/2017
Grant VEGA 1/0032/14
Project title: Matrix of metaloproteinase, microRNAs and erythrocyte deformability - new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of the hear failure
Principal investigator: Jana Radošinská, MD, PhD.
Duration of the project: 1/2014-12/2017
Grant VEGA 1/0086/14
Project title: Bio-molecular analysis of faecal microflora and its effect in inflammation and gastroinetestinal symptóms in children with autism
Principal investigator: Aleksandra Tomova, MD, PhD.
Duration of the project: 1/2014-12/2016
Grant UK for the young researchers
Project title: Heart rate variability in autism spectrum disorders
Principal investigator: Diana Filčíková, MSc.
Duration of the project: 2016
Grant UK for the young researchers
Project title:
Principal investigator: Lenka Vokálová, MSc.
Duration of the project: 2016
Grant UK for the young researchers
Project title:
Principal investigator: Alexandra Padová, MSc.
Duration of the project: 2016