Silvia Hnilicová, MD. PhD.
Silvia Hnilicová, MD. PhD.

Head of the department, entrusted with management.
Pedagogical practice:
Since finishing the 5th year of LFUK, she has been teaching pedagogy, already in the 6th year she was teaching students at the Institute of Pharmacology.
Since then, she has taught at several faculties and schools, apart from LFUK, where she taught physiology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, internal medicine, aclinic reasoning of assimilation in pediatrics, taught neurophysiology at FSEV UK, public health at the University of Trnava, is the guarantor of the study field Health Quality care on for MSc. HMA at Semmelweiss University. He is also dedicated to bringing science closer to the field of autism spectrum disorders and giving lectures to the professional lay public.
Co-investigator of several APVV, KEGA, VEGA grants, the development project of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the SR Going Global
Silvia Hnilicová (S.H.) primarily focuses on pedagogy, especially modern teaching methods in medical education at LFUK
As the only one in Slovakia, she is studying the last year of Masters of Medical Education, University of Dundee, UK.
S.H. was the first to introduce simulation teaching into the curriculum at LFUK since October 2013. Since 2013, from a professional medical point of view, she coordinated the introduction of simulations into the teaching of individual subjects at LFUK (physiology, internal medicine, pediatrics, pathophysiology, pharmacology, epidemiology and others), introduced OSCEs, internationally a recognized method for evaluating students at LFUK (510 OSCEs were carried out with 210 students of internal medicine, pediatrics and physiology), integration of TBL (Team-based learning) into lectures (physiology, pediatrics, anesthesiology), teaching of clinical decision-making (English clinical reasoning) in form of CBL (Case-based learning) and subject integration.S.H. sa podieľala na tvorbe a vedení viacerých kurzov o nových metódach vzdelávania pre pedagógov a kurzov o simuláciách, TBL, OSCEs a iných metódach v spolupráci s New York University. S.H. absolvovala Kurz pre pedagógov v klinickom rozhodovaní sa tzv. Clinical reasoning (Faculty Development Academy, USA).
S.H. introduced a new mandatory optional subject (PVP) on modern forms of teaching for students - Principles of Medical Education 1 (from 2018/190) and Principles of Medical Education 2 - Clinical reasoning (from 2022/23). He participates in pre-clinical as well as clinical teaching and their mutual integration.
S.H. she was the responsible researcher for part of the grant for the introduction of new methods at the LF UK: Going Global (MŠVVaŠ SR) and the researcher for several KEGA grants focusing on the introduction of new teaching methods. She presented the achievements of LFUK at international conferences of AMEE (An International Association for Health Professions Education) on the use of new teaching methods at the faculty.
S.H. she is co-author of the only Slovak university textbook on new teaching methods in medical education: Trends in medical education and evaluation of its results, Osveta, 2018, author of the chapter on simulations in obstetrics in the new textbook Záhumenský: Obstetrics, 2021 and co-author of professional articles on medical education.
S.H. she is the supervisor of numerous diploma theses on modern teaching methods and education in medicine (list in the appendix). She led the ŠVOČ work on medical education.
S.H. has successfully completed specialization studies in medical education (AMEE), specialization studies in internal medicine (LFUK) and specialization studies in general medicine (SZU).
S.H. is a long-term member of AMEE (An International Association for Medical Education), regularly presents at AMEE conferences.
Certificates - selection:
Harvard Center for Medical Simulation Specialist Trainer Simulation Course, NYU Simulation as a Teaching Tool, Instructor Course, USA
Diploma in Medical Education, School of Medicine, University of Dundee, UK
„Špecializácia - Specialist in Medical Education“ od AMEE, UK
AMEE Certificate in Essential Skills in Medical Education, UK
AMEE Certificate in ESME in Medical Education Clinical Teaching, UK
AMEE Certificate in ESME in Assesment in Medical Education Clinical Teaching, UK
AMEE Certificate in ESME in Medical Education Research, UK
AMEE Advanced Course in ESME in Medical Education Research, UK
Advanced TBL Certificate, USA
Faculty Development Course in Clinical reasoning, in SIDM teachDx Faculty Development Academy, USA
TWE+ Enhancing the teaching mobility training, Budapest, Hungary
Kurz medicínskeho vzdelávania - certifikát. Jesseniova Lekárska fakulta v Martine, 2022
Simulation module, Center for Medical Education, University of Dundee, UK, Curriculum
Planning and Evaluation Module, Center for Medical Education, University of Dundee, UK
S.H. has been devoted to the issue of education in medicine since 1997, where she presented the results of the reform of the teaching of clinical pharmacology. Since then, he has been publishing and presenting at domestic and foreign conferences on the topic of Medical Education:
Hanáček, Ján; Mokrý, Juraj; Antošová, Martina; Čáp, Juraj; Džuganová, Božena; Hnilicová, Silvia; Kvaltínyová, Eva; Meško, Dušan; Mokrá, Daniela; Osinová, Denisa; Plevková, Jana; Žiaková, Katarína; Zanovitová, Mária: Trendy v medicínskom vzdelávaní a hodnotení jeho výsledkov. Martin : Vydavateľstvo Osveta , 2018. ISBN 978-80-8063-460-5.
Ostatníková, Daniela, Hopkins, M. A., Riles, T., Robinson, E., Hnilicová, Silvia: Universities and their educational mission in the 21st century: Medical education innovations at Comenius University Faculty of Medicine, Bratislava medical journal. - Roč. 120, č. 9 (2019), s. 617-620, ISSN (print) 0006-9248 ISSN (online) 1336-0345
Hnilicova, Silvia: Simulácie v pôrodníctve. In:Pôrodníctvo.Vysokoškolská učebnica. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-89797-72-1. - Bratislava : A-medi management, 2022.
Fačkovcová, Danica; Hnilicová, Silvia; Jablonická, Kvetoslava; Božeková, Lýdia; Kriška, Milan: Experiences with problem-based learning at the Medical Faculty in Bratislava, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. - Vol. 52, Suppl. (1997), s. A 29 ISSN 0031-6970
Hnilicová, Silvia; Daponte, A. I.; Vitovič, Pavol; Dal Grande, A.; Schmitt, Fabian Sylvester; Senno, Y.; Hnilica, Pavol; Ostatníková, Daniela: Near-peer teaching program in medical Physiology at Comenius University, Acta Physiologica - Vol. 221, Suppl. 713, Sp. Iss. (2017), s. 208-209. ISSN 1748-1716
Hnilicová, Silvia; Fačkovcová, Danica; Božeková, Lýdia; Kriška, Milan: Problémovoorientovaná výuka na Farmakologickom ústave LFUK; 1. Celoslovenská konferencia o lekárskom vzdelávaní : Výchova lekárov pre tretie tisícročie. - Bratislava : [s.n.], 1997. - S. 30-31.
Furdová, Adriána; Havran, Tomáš; Mareček, Stanislav; Jurík, Juraj; Debnár, David; Harinek, Andrej; Hnilicová, Silvia: Projekt fyzioHD - Videoprojekt praktických cvičení na predmet Fyziológia Interaktívna konferencia mladých vedcov 2015. Zborník abstraktov - Bratislava : Preveda, 2015. - ISBN 978-80-970712-8-8. - Abstract No. 1167
Hnilicová, Silvia; Plevková, Jana; Piteková, Barbora; Filo, Johan; Hnilica, Pavol; Schmitt, Fabian Sylvester; Ostatníková, Daniela: Simulation-based learning in human physiology and pathophysiology at Comenius University. Pathophysiology. - Roč. 25, č. 3 (2018), s. 250-251, ISSN (print) 0928-4680 ISSN (online) 1873-149X
Hnilicová, Silvia; Fačkovcová, Danica; Božeková, Lýdia; Kriška, Milan: Skúsenosti s problémovo-orientovanou výučbou na Farmakologickom ústave LF UK v Bratislave. Československá fyziologie. - Roč. 46, č. 4 (1997), s. 160, ISSN 1210-6313
Hnilicová, Silvia; Fačkovcová, Danica; Božeková, Lýdia; Kriška, Milan 1940: Skúsenosti s problémovo-orientovanou výučbou na Farmakologickom ústave LFUK 47. farmakologické dni. - Košice : [s.n.], 1997. - S. 10
Hnilicová, Silvia; Vitovič, Pavol; Schmitt, Fabian Sylvester; Ostatníková, Daniela: First OSCEs - Objective structured clinical exams in Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University MEFANET 2018 - : 1. vyd. Brno : Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses Masaryk University, 2018. - S. 35-36
Hnilicová, Silvia; Plevková, Jana; Babinská, Katarína; Vitovič, Pavol; Hnilica, Pavol; Ostatníková, Daniela : High fidelity simulation in medical physiology: Slovak experience. AMEE 2018. - Dundee : Association for Medical Education in Europe, 2018. - S. 883-883
Vitovič, Pavol; Laurovičová, Miroslava; Kosnáč, Daniel; Kosnáčová, Helena; Wagner, Alexandra; Hnilicová, Silvia: Implementation of the ultrasound simulation in the education at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. MEFANET 2018 : 1. vyd. Brno : Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses Masaryk University, 2018. - S. 31-32
Hnilicová, Silvia; Babinská, Katarína; Filo, Johan; Szadocky, Sara; Hnilica, Pavol; Ostatníková, Daniela: Nové formy výučby vo fyziológii - skúsenosti na LFUK Bratislava 95. Fyziologické dny . - : 1. vyd. Praha : [s.n.], 2019. - S. 16-17
Hnilicová, Silvia; Plevková, Jana; Ostatníková, Daniela: Simulation medicine as part of medical education at LFUK. Bratislava MEFANET 2017 : 11th international conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine, focused on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical disciplines. - Brno : Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses Masaryk University, 2017. - S. 22-23
Hnilicová, Silvia; Babinská, Katarína; Vitovič, Pavol; Kráľová, Eva; Ostatníková, Daniela: Using different teaching formats during human physiology course to increase motivation and test performance in multicultural student population in Slovakia AMEE 2017. - Helsinky : [s.n.], 2017. - S. 483
Hnilicová, Silvia; Plevková, Jana; Babinská, Katarína; Hnilica, Pavol (autor) (10%); Ostatníková, Daniela: Využitie simulácií a nových foriem vzdelávania pri výučbe fyziológie. Sborník abstraktů 94. fyziologických dnů - : 1. vyd. Plzeň : Česká fyziologická společnosť, 2018. S. 27-27
Hnilicová, Silvia; Dallos, Tomáš; Schmitt, Fabian Sylvester; Podracká, Ľudmila; Ostatníková, Daniela: OSCEs- objektívne štruktúrované klinické simulácie a skúšky. Pracovná konferencia detskej kliniky LF UK a NÚDCH. - : 1. vyd. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2018. - S. 32-32
Hnilicová, Silvia; Ostatníková, Daniela: Simulačná medicína ako súčasť medicínskeho vzdelávania na LFUK Bratislava. Pracovná konferencia detskej kliniky LF UK a DFNsP - Košice : Progress CA, 2017.
Hnilicová, Silvia; Ostatníková, Daniela: Využitie simulácií vo výučbe fyziológie. SIMSYM 2015. - Martin : JLFUK, 2015. - S. 17-18
Babinská, Katarína; Babinský, Miroslav; Bakoš, Ján; Hnilicová, Silvia; Mravec, Boris; Ostatníková, Daniela; Pirník, Zdenko; Radošinská, Jana; Važan, Rastislav: Getting started with team based learning at the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave , 2019, 978-80-223-4850-8
Bachárová, Ljuba; Hnilicová, Silvia; Bernadič, Marián: Študijný program New York University School of Medicine - možné inšpirácie pre vzdelávanie našich medikov Monitor medicíny SLS. - Roč. 7, č. 3-4 (2017), s. 30-31 ISSN (print) 1338-2551
Dallos, Tomáš; Hnilicová, Silvia: Úvodné slovo - Nové metódy výučby. Pediatria pre prax. Roč. 21, č. 5 (2020), s. 187-189 ISSN (print) 1336-8168 ISSN (online) 1339-4231
Waczulíková, Iveta; Zvarík, Milan; Morvová, Marcela; Böhm, Radoslav; Bokes, Pavol; Melicherčík, Milan; Vitovič, Pavol; Hnilicová, Silvia: Analýza prínosu TBL (Team-Based Learning) a výučby štatistiky pre uplatnenie absolventov biomedicínskej fyziky v praxis. Zborník abstraktov 21. slovenská štatistická konferencia [elektronický dokument]. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-88946-93-9. - Bratislava : Slovenská štatistická a demografická spoločnosť, 2022. - S. 27-27 Hnilicová, Silvia; Drábek, Rudolf; Szadvári, Ivan; Babinská, Katarína; Ostatníková, Daniela: Integrácia výučby klinického myslenia a rozhodovania do predmetu fyziológia. 97. fyziologické dny [elektronický dokument] : Programový sborník s abstrakty. - : 1. vyd. Praha : Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 2022. - S. [73-73] [print]